Royal wedding newspaper stances
- Explain how the political persuasion of each paper has influenced the content on the front page. [10 marks]
- Analyse the representations in each source [10 marks]
- Explain how each paper uses media language to address their target audience [10 marks]
The daily mail is a newspaper which has a more right wing stance on political issues, especially those concerning the Royal family. Due to this stance the Daily mail will have more coverage on the wedding as opposed to normal newspapers, and will paint it in a more sympathetic light. On the front page the newspaper has the title “scrumptious 32 page photo album.” This title is implying that the wedding is very important to the readers of the Daily Mail, who will see the newspaper as an item of memorabilia.
The newspaper further expresses its dedication to the event by writing “the secret royal asides- by our lip reader.” By emphasising that the Daily mail has a specific lip reader specifically for the event, we are seeing how much it values the wedding.
The Front page seems to portray Meghan Markle in a very positive light, there is a close up shot which captures her in her wedding dress, thus enforcing that she is part of the royal family and will be treated accordingly. She is treated accordingly in the following title; “Meghans Manifesto.” The word manifesto is linked with change brought about be one person, and is commonly linked with Karl Marx's’ manifesto. The newspaper further emphasises this change by writing ‘proud feminist’ in the subtitle, implying that these views will be in her ‘Manifesto’ and will take the royal family in a ‘striking new direction.’
The guardian newspaper is a newspaper which has a left wing stance on political issues and due to this will have less coverage on the wedding, with the coverage it does have being majorly focused on the left wing achievements of the wedding. The main title of this issue is “Homeless people facing fines and prison.” This title is not linked with the royal wedding, and rather is a topic that is heavily linked with the guardian and other left wing newspapers, by choosing this to be their main title they are highlighting their view of the insignificance of the wedding compared to other topics.The Newspaper also features the title, “Abramovich waits to be issued new Uk visa.”
The royal wedding is covered minimally, with the title “We did it: Duke and Duchess of Sussex praised for ceremony.” This title alone highlights that the guardian sees the wedding as a bore and task, even for Harry and Meghan, the fact that the words “praised for ceremony” are used highlights this. The mini article further complements the left wing achievements of the wedding, when it writes “multicultural and inclusive wedding”, and “featured a sermon by a black preacher.” The newspaper also puts emphasis on the “Unique electric jaguar etype zero” the couple was using as their newly wed car. The fact that this plays such an important role on the magazines view of the wedding highlights their anti-right wing and in turn anti-elite views.
As the Daily mail is a more right wing newspaper it will have more positive representations of wedding, Meghan Markle, and Harry. For example a close up shot of meghan is the only picture and shows her in an elegant wedding dress. This is instantly enforcing that all of her benefits and accomplishments will be linked to the royal family, and that she has been accepted both by the family and the British public into the family. The title “meghans manifesto” is used in order to represent her as a significant character that will have an impact on the royal family. ‘Manifesto’ is a word that is linked with drastic change brought about by someone and is often linked to Karl Marx's communist manifesto. By using Manifesto to express the changes brought by Meghan, the newspaper is crediting her alone with these accomplishments.
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